Filtermist S Series of Oil Mist Filters
The Filtermist S Series of oil mist filters are highly suitable for the efficient removal of oiliest, coolant mist, steams and fumes that may be produced during processes including milling, turning and sawing. They possess an incredibly compact design, being smaller is size compared to the FX Series of Oiliest filters. For workplaces that work with potentially corrosive and hazardous materials, an ATEX compliant version is available on request.
The Filtermist S Series greatly contribute to a much safer work environment as they greatly lessen the possibility of a buildup of a oil on a surface due to oilmist being present which can cause injury and a flammable hazard if not removed.
They are easy to install and maintain when required and can be mounted via a wall stand or directly upon a machine. Both the Filtermist S series and FX series are available in both a standard mild steel construction and stainless steel to allow for operation in hazardous or corrosive environments.
Different mounting options and accessories including pre-filters and after filters are also available to purchase.
For more potential options and information on this product please don't hesitate to contact us on 01604 635333.
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