The DENA PVB suction bench is perfect for tasks such as grinding, welding, painting, applying adhesives, and any activity that generates fumes and dust which may pose health risks to operators if inhaled. It ensures maximum safety for both the operator and the work environment due to its enclosed design on five sides, preventing any pollutants from escaping. The bench can be tailored with various types of platforms and grates, based on the specific work requirements.

Automatic Filter Cleaning System

This machine comes with a cartridge filter that boasts a sufficient filtering area, and the cleaning system operates automatically. It includes a compressed air tank for cleaning the cartridge, making the operator's job easier and more efficient, thus saving time. An optional HEPA filter is available for final filtration.

Optimal Efficiency

The machine is equipped with an integrated control panel within its structure, along with lighting, dust collection bags, and a built-in fan, making the PVB a fully functional and ready-to-use device. It is designed for heavy-duty applications, capable of operating 24 hours a day.

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