Rodmatic Case Study

by | Case Studies

Rodmatic Ltd choose the ESTA FILTOWER – L ECO+

The company have a number of oil mist separators across their CNC production facility and have recently adopted the ESTA OILMAC as they upgrade their existing oil mist LEV extraction units. Whilst the oil mist separators control the potential pollutant at source, by the nature of their operations, the company were also seeing residual oil mist within the general working environment.

With high production volumes of small precision machined components, it was found that post-machined components were contributing to this; the high throughput of warm components stored in the open were polluting ambient air with oil mist emissions.
This is caused through the condensation of vaporised cooling lubricant on their warm surfaces.

All surfaces coated with cooling lubricants could be considered as a source of emission. The warmer the surface, the greater the risk of contamination, which increases the risk to employees.

To control the ambient emissions, the company installed an ESTA FILTOWER-F ECO+ filtration unit. The ESTA FILTOWER-L is a stand-alone, plug and play ventilation and filtration system for the supplementary filtration of oil mist and aerosols arising from metalworking and machining operations. These are used to compliment LEV systems to improve the internal environment.

The system enables full recirculation of the cleaned air back into the work place, thereby reducing energy consumption by preventing the need to re-heat air which alternatively may have been vented externally to atmosphere.

Alongside this, the ECO+ model is equipped with fully automatic sensor enabled volumetric air flow control, enabling extraction performance to be adapted to demand, allowing for additional energy savings.

Controlling oil mist and aerosols not only contributes to employee health, this also provides a positive impact on the general working environment. Machinery, premises and tertiary equipment also benefit from controlling coolant deposits, from a reduced impact on wear and tear and a reduction in general maintenance costs through to an improvement on general building décor.

To find out more about the features and benefits of the ESTA FILTOWER, please get in touch.